ZEEGLER wrote:_ej_ wrote:ZEEGLER wrote:My son is sadistic.
He got me Dark Souls III for xmas.
5 minutes in and I'm totally stuck. Anyone play this POS game?
Stuck on Iudex Gundyr?
I'm a huge fan of all the Dark Souls. Its all about patterns and timing. If you keep at it it will click in. Fantastic games and super satisfying when you kill the bosses.
That's the problem. I play games for fun. I don't need to be wasting time learning patterns. I hate that shit. Fuck it. I need a new game.
If your son got it for you, then be a pal and muscle through it
lots of action/music/sports games have patterns that get etched into muscle memory.
Some basic stuff in case you really are new to it:
-You alternate between defending and attacking. You defend by blocking, parrying (really tough), or dodging. You are invincible for a fraction of a second during a dodge.
-Hold dodge to run.
-The amount of fun you have is directly correlated with the size of your health and stamina bars (magic too if you use that). Level those early on.
-Two-handing a weapon makes it easier to bust through defenses.
-Spear and shield was the easiest way to play when this series first came out.
The series kind of created its own genre and it's totally fine to not be into it.