Reminder: pics with nudity

Moderators: greatmutah, GuitarBilly

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Reminder: pics with nudity

Post by GuitarBilly »

Hi all,

As a reminder, we have a rule not to allow pictures of partial or total nudity to be posted anywhere in the forum. This includes pictures of women in lingerie, thongs etc etc.. that includes pics in Avatars.

Posting pictures of sexy girls is always cool and welcome, but please make sure it doesn't violate this rule.

This is not out of "censorship" or "morality" or anything like that, there is an actual technical reason behind it: as you probably know, the absolutely vast majority of people posting in this forum post from their work computers. Most companies these days utilize strong content filters that will block sites that contain this type of material.

I recently heard from a member who could no longer access GAB from work because it was indexed as "indecent content" by his company's firewall. Eventually he was able to sort it out with a friend in his IT department but still... I don't think it's fair for people to end up blocked off the site because others want to post this type of stuff.

Moving forward, I'll be deleting this type of material with no further warning. If I have to constantly delete pics from the same user, this user will get some time off as well.

I personally don't have an issue with nudity but the bottom line is we need to keep the forum available to all members.

We do have a Facebook closed group where this type of stuff is allowed, so if you're into it, I'd suggest you join it. It's ran by Soundgardener75 so please pm him for information.

But this being an open forum and a work hours distraction, we need to keep it 100% SFW.


'78 Les Paul Pro / '89 SG Special/ '04 Gibson Les Paul Classic 3 pickup / Jackson Star/ Endres Tele / Fernandes Rhoads/ ''74 Hohner MIJ strat/ 2 Partscasters

Depends on when you ask. I got tired of constantly updating this section lol

Marshall 1960A w V30s/ Seismic 2x12 w Redback and V30.

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