Gretsch 6150T/6150 fix help?

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Gretsch 6150T/6150 fix help?

Post by RGJONES2 »

Hello, all.

You've heard the story a thousand times. Found a vintage amp in Grandpa's attic, wonder if it still works. I have some basic wiring/mod skills, so before plugging it in, I opened up the hood to see what I could see. I didn't have to wait long to see the first problem. Can anyone identify this bad boy? Runs from the 6v6gt to the 5y3gt. Thanks so much for taking the time.

Model: Gretch 6150T (aka 6151) (Valco) 5 watt



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Re: Gretsch 6150T/6150 fix help?

Post by ajaxlepinski »

Schematic says, the resistor between the 6v6gt to the 5y3gt tubes is a 6.8K resistor.
Here's an article about how to read the band codes: ... olorCodes/

The schematic doesn't give the wattage of the resistor... which is important.
The size of carbon comp resitors determins the wattage. ... res_7.html
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Walt wrote:But when the hour is nigh, and the lights are low, and I got a little toothpick of a shwag joint in my teeth, and my friends want to hear me play "Into the Void", or "TNT", "or "Cemetery Gates"...I plug my 600 dollar guitar into my 150 dollar amp, and I am a Rawk gawd.
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