Ostinato Rubato wrote:I would love to live in a society where grown adults can make the choice to put whatever they want in their body so long as they are not hurting others, which would include pretty much all drugs. I’ve just changed my position on whether or not our society is rooted and mature enough for that to actually be a good thing.
Well those who do drugs and hurt others will get the punishment they deserve since hurting others is already illegal in all 50 states. Those who don't do drugs but hurt others (plenty of that) will get the same punishment because it's the same thing.
And those who do drugs and don't hurt others can be left TF alone.
Personal accountability is at an all time low in this country. Across the board. Holy crap.
Are you 500lbs and taxing the system because you're on disability due to galloping diabetes? it's the junk food's fault. I mean, they put that delicious candy right at the check out line. UNNACEPTABLE.
Did you get drunk and decided to drive on the wrong side of the freeway? Fucking booze man. Too easy to get.
Did you get high and chased people with a knife? that fucking leaf did it again. goddamn (could be the knife fault too. TBD).
Wait, did you just open fire at a WalMart? Well clearly the problem was the gun.
Cheated on your wife? Well the apps like Tinder make it too easy and there's too much porn so you are too tempted.
I could go on and on about this... the common thread is .. Everybody's fault but yours. Actually, not even everybody. Let's blame Things! A leaf. A piece of metal. A bottle. A candy bar. A computer program. NOT you.
Let's make everything illegal then. The government knows what's best for us.