Low Fret

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Low Fret

Post by mrblue »

I am getting an annoying fret buzz on my Telecaster.

I checked with a fret rocker and it seems I have low fret. That being said, I guess my only options are:

1. Live with it
2. level all the frets

Obviously, I don't want to file down any frets above it since that would lead to the same issue further up the neck.

Is a correct assumption?

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Re: Low Fret

Post by ajaxlepinski »

Can you replace the low fret with a higher one and level the new fret to match the others?
1969 Sunn Solarus ● 2x 1980's Randall RG-80 ● 2013 Hi-Tone HT103-DG (Best Rig 2014) ● 2015 Mortatone 12/15 Cab w/EV SRO's ● 2017 Jubilee ● 2019 Ceriatone Model Tee ● 2019 Randall Diavlo ● 2020 VHT D50 Dumble Clone
Walt wrote:But when the hour is nigh, and the lights are low, and I got a little toothpick of a shwag joint in my teeth, and my friends want to hear me play "Into the Void", or "TNT", "or "Cemetery Gates"...I plug my 600 dollar guitar into my 150 dollar amp, and I am a Rawk gawd.
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